All posts by Missy McLaughlin

Should I Wait for Mortgage Rates To Come Down Before I Move?

BLOGApril 16, 2024For SellersMortgage RatesSelling Tips 2 min read If you’ve got a move on your mind, you may be wondering whether you should wait to sell until mortgage rates come down before you spring into action. Here’s some information that could help answer that question for you. In the housing market, there’s a longstanding relationship between mortgage rates […]

Myths About the 2024 Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

April 19, 2024InfographicsBuying TipsForecastsSelling Tips Some Highlights When it comes to the current housing market, there are some myths circling around right now. Some of the more common ones are that it’s better to wait for mortgage rates to fall or prices to crash. But there are others about the supply of homes for sale and down payments.  Let’s connect […]